This is SPIRITUAL Quantum Physics.

Unknown 8:12 PM
Discovery Channel

One of the most serious issues we confront on the planet today is words. Words without references or exact definitions.

All the cutting edge "Awesome Thinkers" and self announced specialists are attempting to make "Life Facts" fit their hypotheses. Off-base! From a higher more smart perspective we ought to make our speculations and compositions fit the "Life Facts."

What are "Life Facts?" Well the Age of Aquarius has at last given us the new worldview of the Laws of Quantum Physics. These laws express the "Life actualities," so that any one can comprehend them without consulting a specialist.

Here are a couple of the most essential thoughts of the Laws of Quantum Physics that should be considered by the specialists before they puff up their mid-sections and explain their speculations.

There is a Divine Plan and time table for everything. "Not even a plume from a sparrow's wing tumbles to Earth without me knowing it." When they let the Creator God well enough alone for their condition it is the same as saying 2+2=5. Off-base!

These specialists have a place with the materialistic Quantum Physics bunch.

Furthermore, all is vitality. You are vitality, I am vitality, planet Earth is vitality, and God is vitality. We live, move and have our being inside a boundless sea of considering, astute vitality called the Quantum Ocean. This is the Mind of God, that the materialistic specialists decline to acknowledge.

We are to the Mind of God as our cells are to our body. We are singular souls who have 'squinted out' of the Quantum Ocean into another incarnation on planet Earth. This is SPIRITUAL Quantum Physics.

We are Souls who assemble our Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual bodies utilizing the encounters we have on the planet. This is SPIRITUAL Quantum Physics. 

We are not physical bodies that have a spirit inside. The genuine truth is that we are souls nailed to the cross of physical presence precisely where the even bar of the cross meets the vertical bar of the cross.

This is meager line where the un-show universe of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, meets the material science world we encounter.

Here is the greatest oversight that the materialistic Quantum Physics fans make. They believe that our motivation in life is to exist exclusively upon the level bar. The bar of direct time. Every one of their speculations, papers, talks, innovations, innovation is to attempt to make life on the even bar pleasant and intriguing. Yet, it is a trap.

The Spiritual Quantum Physics devotee comprehends that the genuine reason and predetermination of every individual soul is to "go up" the Cross. To Ascend the vertical bar. The vertical bar prompts higher cognizance, singularity and speaks with the higher ones who have gone some time recently.

This is the huge and vital contrast between materialistic, Quantum Physics and SPIRITUAL Quantum Physics.

The Materialist needs to live, move and have their being along the level bar of existence without incorporating the Creator God with no longing to rise.

The SPIRITUALS need to raise their level of awareness and individualize. (Come ye out from amongst them ) and move upwards along the vertical bar of life to inevitably meet the Creator God.

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