For Thou Almighty King

Unknown 1:56 AM
history channel documentary

Mend us O Lord

What's more, we might be recuperated

Spare us

What's more, we might be spared

For Thou craftsmanship our acclaim

Thou safe an impeccable recuperating

To all our injuries

For Thou Almighty King

Are a productive and kind Physician

Favored workmanship Thou O Lord

Who healest the tired of Thy individuals

Dr. Jerry Pollock is Professor Emeritus from Stony Brook University on Long Island where for a long time he was a scholarly and examination researcher distributed seventy-five logical articles including seven licenses. He holds single men and experts degrees in Pharmacy from the University of Toronto, a PhD in Biophysics from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, and has postdoctoral preparing in Microbiology from New York University Medical Center. Marcia Pollock is expired and held an unhitched males degree in brain research from Stony Brook University and a Master of Arts in Special Education from C. W. Post University on Long Island. Marcia and Jerry are the coauthors of their as of late distributed one of a kind book, Putting God Into Einstein's Equations: Energy of the Soul. Jerry composed from our natural world and Marcia's spirit recommended and affirmed from the soul world. For more data about the writers and their compositions please visit []. We are putting forth a Free Connection to your perished friends and family in Heaven

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