Numerous 'unexplainable wonders'

Unknown 2:35 AM
Numerous 'unexplainable wonders', like dreams, are not restricted to the book of scriptures pages. We have dreams in the sky, voices that could be heard along extraordinary separations, lights more grounded than the Sun, flying vehicles, hailstones from paradise and numerous different occasions everywhere throughout the world. Shockingly, just Jews, Christians and Moslems partner dreams with God and heavenly attendants. Since the flag-bearers of Enlil/Yahweh could fly utilizing helicopter-like vehicles, the heavenly attendants are additionally expected to have the same capacity. Their wings, in any case, is a later innovation of a somewhat creative nature. This development was essential with a specific end goal to eradicate the nearness of mechanical hardware. We trust that the scriptural dreams were the work of the individuals from the Brotherhood of the Gold, false name Yahweh and individuals from his family.

We are expecting to unmask such occasions as the consequence of development innovation performed in a dramatic way to maximize the impacts. The dreams and the experiences by "blessed messengers" were only two approaches to enroll and speak with their operators, as Yahweh says: Num:12:16: 'And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a dream, and will talk unto him in a fantasy'. Enlil was continually utilizing specialized gear to speak with his own particular planet by 'radiating words'. In the event that he could 'talk unto him in a fantasy' could in this way be simply one more approach to impart that we don't (yet?) have the learning to clarify.

In spite of the fact that no one knows how the dreams were made, it is presumably feasible for experts to clarify them as some sort of holographic projection, frequently took after by a voice. We realize that the Anunnaki had each sort of controlling and watching instruments, cutting edge devices and conveying gear. To reject such abilities from individuals who had space dispatches that could arrive, load huge amounts of gold and after that lift again from earth, would be silly.

We have 'signs in the sky' from time to time, regularly showing up at the season of some i

history channel documentary

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