Matthew Henry, the academic observer

Unknown 1:47 AM
Here we witness the genuine Scriptural Angel of Death just to find he is not one being, but rather a whole squadron of holy messengers. The truth of the matter is, I don't know of at whatever time where the Scripture ever implies that any Child of God is ever under the watchful eye of one and only blessed messenger. To stick to that old superstition is to put down your remaining in the Kingdom of God and to criticize God's affection for you. I am dazed at seeing a whole squadron of death blessed messengers going to our side at our downfall. This subtle element springs like a panther into my spirit in awe. The essential inquiry I ask, is the reason? What is the purpose behind placing us into the defensive consideration of every one of these blessed messengers? The majority of us would be excited to know one heavenly attendant escorts us into the nearness of God. We may discover the answer in Scripture on the off chance that we look painstakingly. As indicated by Holy Scripture, when we close our eyes in death in this natural home, we are naturally introduced to another great world. We can compare our passing to the introduction of an infant who leaves the universe of his/her mom's womb and now enters this other world where there are such a variety of assembled around to hail this current kid's entry. Each offspring of God entering this new domain comes into the defensive consideration of the second and first division of blessed messengers. (I'm sad yet I can't intricate in this little article.)

Matthew Henry, the academic observer of the previous century recommends these holy messengers are a blend of both the Seraphim and Cherubim class. He says, The blessed messengers are brought in sacred writing cherubim and seraphim, and their appearance here, however it might be beneath their pride, answers to both their names; for (1) Seraphim implies red hot, and God is said to make a fire of flame, (Ps. civ. 4.) (2) Cherubim (the same number of think) connotes chariots, and they are known as the chariots of flame. Matthew Henry is not wrong in his examination. The term seraphim does for sure mean blazing ones while the title cherubim are constantly connected with the radiance of God.

From what we can gather from sacred text, the seraphim and the cherubim are the most intense holy messengers the Bible talks about in the heavenlies and these may make up this organization. It is under the control of these effective wonderful blessed messengers that our natural gatekeeper heavenly attendants pass us. As a large group of heavenly attendants strolled with us for the duration of our lives, so to a large group of various gatekeeper holy messengers convey us to another home loaded with blessed messengers, God, and the individuals who have gone ahead before us.

Yes, the obscure if constantly frightful , however I need to attempt to solace you who dread, by saying; we won't confront passing alone. Christ in fact vanquished demise and made room for us. We are going to close our investigation of the gatekeeper blessed messengers, yet I can guarantee you, there is an abundance of scriptural data I couldn't offer because of constraint. Look for and ye might discover, on the off chance that you have that craving.

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